Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them.
The issuer /publisher is responsible for the content of this announcement.
1. information on the persons who fulfil management tasks and on the persons closely related to them
a) Name
First name: Pascal
Surname(s): Small
2. reason for the notification
a) Position /Status
Position: Board of Directors
b) Initial notification
3. information on the issuer, the participant in the market for emission allowances, the auction platform, the auctioneer or the auction monitor
a) Name
Pyrum Innovations AG
b) LEI
4. information on the transaction(s)
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, identifier
Type: Share
b) Type of transaction
Donation of 1,500 shares in Pyrum Innovations AG to Pyrum Innovations AG
c) Price(s) and volume(s)
Price(s) Volume
0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
d) Aggregated information
Price Aggregated volume
0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
e) Date of the transaction
2023-07-10; UTC+1
f) Place of business
Outside a trading centre