Pyrum Innovations AG: Supervisory Board member acquires shares from the Executive Board OTC

Dillingen /​Saar, 4 August 2023 – Pascal Klein, CEO and largest individual shareholder of Pyrum Innovations AG (“Pyrum”, the “Company”, ISIN: DE000A2G8ZX8), has sold a total of 4,000 Pyrum shares from his holding to Supervisory Board member Jürgen Opitz over the counter (OTC) on 31 July 2023. Mr Opitz thus slightly increases his shareholding and holds around 8% in Pyrum including attributable shares. Pascal Klein continues to hold around 10% of the company. The transaction was executed as an OTC transaction at a purchase price of EUR 50.00 per share and thus around 3.7% above the average value of the last five trading days prior to the closing on Xetra (EUR 48.23). The relevant notifications of Pyrum Innovations AG on directors’ dealings pursuant to Art. 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation are available on the company’s website at https://​www​.pyrum​.net/​e​n​/​i​n​v​e​s​t​o​r​s​/​f​i​n​a​n​c​i​a​l​-​p​u​b​l​i​c​a​t​i​o​ns/ available.

Pascal Klein: “I still remain the largest individual shareholder of Pyrum. However, a larger tax payment due to the IPO has led me to sell a small part of my shareholding in the company. My shares are in very good hands with Jürgen Opitz. Through the OTC transaction, we wanted to prevent a possible influence on the share price due to the tightness of the market for Pyrum shares.”

Pyrum Innovations AG, a pioneer in the sustainable recycling of end-​of-​life tyres (ELTs) based on its patented pyrolysis technology, has been listed on the Euronext Growth market segment of the Oslo Stock Exchange since 30 September 2021 and on the Scale market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 30 March 2022. In addition to the founding partners Pascal Klein and Michael Kapf, the chemical group and coöperation partner BASF is also among the major shareholders with a current share of 7.9%. The tyre manufacturer Continental, among others, also participated in the IPO.

Contact us

IR.on AG
Frederic Hilke
Tel: +49 221 9140 970
E‑mail: pyrum(at)

Pyrum Innovations AG
Dieselstrasse 8
66763 Dillingen
E‑mail: presse(at)

About Pyrum Innovations AG

Pyrum Innovations AG is active in the attractive recycling market for used tyres and various plastics with its patented thermolysis technology. Pyrum’s thermolysis process is largely energy self-​sufficient and, according to the Fraunhofer Institute, saves significantly more CO2 emissions than today’s standard recycling processes for used tyres – especially compared to incineration in cement plants – and produces new raw materials such as thermolysis oil, gas and recycled carbon black (rCB) from the waste used as input materials. In this way, Pyrum closes the material cycle and pursues a 100% sustainable business model. As a pioneer, Pyrum Innovations AG was the first company in the field of used tyre recycling to receive REACH registration from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the thermolysis oil it produces back in 2018. This means that the oil is recognised as an official raw material that can be used in production processes. In addition, Pyrum has received ISCC PLUS certification for the thermolysis oil and the rCB. Both products are therefore recognised as sustainable and renewable raw materials. Pyrum has also received ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system and ISO 9001 certification for its quality management system. These successes have also been recognised by international experts in the tyre industry. For example, Pyrum was honoured at the first Recircle Awards in the category Best Tyre Recycling Innovation and has been a finalist for the German SME award three times in a row.