Pyrum Innovations publishes results for the first nine months of 2022

  • Total operating performance increased sharply by over 600 % to kEUR 14,156 (9M 2021: kEUR 2,007)
  • Sales from the operation of the plants also increased by 5.3 % to kEUR 714 (9M 2021: kEUR 678)
  • Consolidated net result for the period of EUR ‑5,675 thousand (9M 2021: EUR ‑6,829 thousand)

Dillingen /​Saar, 30 November 2022 – Pyrum Innovations AG (“Pyrum”), a pioneering company that sustainably recycles used tyres with its globally patented, unique pyrolysis technology, today published its consolidated interim report for the period from 1 January to 30 September 2022. Total operating performance rose sharply in the first nine months of 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year – by over EUR 600 thousand to EUR 14,156 thousand (9M 2021: EUR 2,007 thousand). This development was primarily due to the increase in own work capitalised of EUR 13,171 thousand (9M 2021: EUR 1,319 thousand) as part of the ongoing plant expansion in Dillingen.

Revenue increased by 5.3 % to EUR 714 thousand compared to the first three quarters of the previous year (9M 2021: EUR 678 thousand). Pyrum deliberately included a large proportion of the coke produced in its inventory in anticipation of significantly higher sales prices following the commissioning of the new pelletising plant. The pelletising plant is part of the construction of two new production lines at the main plant in Dillingen, for whose future operation Pyrum has already received official approval.

Other operating income also increased by 25.6 % to EUR 1,074 thousand in the reporting period (9M 2021: EUR 855 thousand). This increase was primarily due to income from research and development. Research grants amounting to EUR 930 thousand (9M 2021: EUR 510 thousand) were realised here, in particular for the European “BlackCycle” project for the efficient recycling of used tyres. The consolidated result for the first nine months of 2022 was EUR ‑5,675 thousand (9M 2021: EUR ‑6,829 thousand).

Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG: “We were able to take further important steps as part of our ambitious rollout plans and are working with our partners to establish a sustainable circular economy for used tyres. We received the official operating licence for the expansion of our main plant in Dillingen at an early stage and will therefore be able to meet the already high demand for our products even better in future.”

Pyrum Innovations AG’s financial reporting for the first nine months of 2022 is available on the company’s website at www​.pyrum​.net/​i​n​v​e​s​t​o​r​e​n​/​f​i​n​a​n​z​p​u​b​l​i​k​a​t​i​o​n​en/ available.

Contact us

IR.on AG
Frederic Hilke
Tel: +49 221 9140 970
E‑mail: pyrum(at)

Pyrum Innovations AG
Dieselstrasse 8
66763 Dillingen
E‑mail: presse(at)

About Pyrum Innovations AG

Pyrum Innovations AG is active in the attractive recycling market for used tyres and various plastics with its patented thermolysis technology. Pyrum’s thermolysis process is largely energy self-​sufficient and, according to the Fraunhofer Institute, saves significantly more CO2 emissions than today’s standard recycling processes for used tyres – especially compared to incineration in cement plants – and produces new raw materials such as thermolysis oil, gas and recycled carbon black (rCB) from the waste used as input materials. In this way, Pyrum closes the material cycle and pursues a 100% sustainable business model. As a pioneer, Pyrum Innovations AG was the first company in the field of used tyre recycling to receive REACH registration from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the thermolysis oil it produces back in 2018. This means that the oil is recognised as an official raw material that can be used in production processes. In addition, Pyrum has received ISCC PLUS certification for the thermolysis oil and the rCB. Both products are therefore recognised as sustainable and renewable raw materials. Pyrum has also received ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system and ISO 9001 certification for its quality management system. These successes have also been recognised by international experts in the tyre industry. For example, Pyrum was honoured at the first Recircle Awards in the category Best Tyre Recycling Innovation and has been a finalist for the German SME award three times in a row.